Hometown: Evansville, Indiana
Favorite animal in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Pronghorn
Kevin grew up in Southern Indiana along the muddy banks of the Ohio River, where he spent his free time exploring the forests and meadows. After studying Biology and Paleontology he promptly moved west to explore the Oregon coast, where he lived for two years. In early 2016, Kevin was offered a position at an outdoor education non-profit in Moab, Utah known as Canyonlands Field Institute (CFI). While working for CFI, Kevin was able to prove himself knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics and over time became their Senior Naturalist Guide. Working on the Colorado Plateau provided the opportunity to become a whitewater river guide, llama pack-stock guide, and proficient outdoor educator, along with honing a deep interest in Natural History. Now Kevin is excited to explore and learn about this new ecosystem while focusing his skills toward his lifelong dream of becoming a Wildlife and Natural History Educator.