Outdoor Explorations – September 6, 2024
Today in Outdoor Explorations, children began their meeting by reviewing guidelines for tree climbing!
These guidelines had been established by a “tree committee,” a group of students who ventured into the woods to climb trees and set boundaries. Parke suggested that they should always have a teacher when you climb a tree because “if you fall you can just talk and then they’ll come for you.” Arlo recommended that they “only climb as high as you can climb down.” With these rules, students set out into the forest to put them to the test.
“I got more tree sap on me!” – Saul.
“The pine needles are turning orange because it’s turning to fall.” – Meadow
Yesterday, the students planted some seeds in our fairy garden. But what’s a fairy garden without decoration? They spent today creating signs so they knew where each plant was growing and to attract fairies of course! They also watered our thirsty plants.
“They need water always or else they might die.” – Finn
“Can I water with you?” – Emi
‘This whole fairy garden is gonna be for everyone!” – Jodie
“I’m making this for all the fairies!’ – Anara
Outdoor Explorations – September 12, 2024
Today some of the preschool and pre-k went on their very first woods journey to R park! The rest of the class stayed behind and ventured to Sagebrush Hill! They started by reviewing animal drills and the two rules for exploring at R park–be kind and always see a teacher! After the quick meeting they spent the day jumping in puddles, looking at wildlife, throwing rocks, and climbing! Here are some quotes from their wonderful time today!
“Ladybugs can’t drive a bus!” – Finn
“If we see a moose we get behind a teacher!” -Jasper
“I love finding the worm!” – Kailyn
“That’s not an earwig! That’s a grasshopper!” – Kailyn
“There’s SO many caterpillars!” – Arlo
“See there’s some there and some there! “They’re everywhere!” – George
“How did they get there George??” – Gigi
“They’re a wooly bear that turns into the Isabella tiger moth!” – Simon
“Hey Danny! I’m repelling!” – Fischer
“I see a lot of holes in this bridge…it must be an old bridge that hasn’t been used for 13 years!” – Meadow
“This is my lawn mower!” – Brody
Outdoor Explorations – September 19, 2024
Today during our outdoor explorations time, children decided to take advantage of the sunny day! They thought it would be best to take a walk through our gorgeous campus and collect nature treasures. Any flower or leaf or plants they wanted, we gathered in our explorations basket. We have big, big plans for our nature treasures! But that will stay a secret until we do our big project next week. While on our walk through campus, we got to see some friends from preschool and pre-k going on a nature walk as well! They were so excited to see each other. “Eat friends!” yelled Simone laughing. We don’t eat our friends! Simone’s face turned serious “hug friends ok, no eat friends.” Phew!
Outdoor Explorations – October 1, 2024
Beginning this week, children have been participating in their first “fire committees” of the school year with great enthusiasm, as well as respect for the safety knowledge needed to work with an open fire. Today Arlo, Octavia, Leah, Emi, Lily, Owen, Anara, Jasper, George, Brody, Juniper, Lila, and Jodie chose to participate in the fire committee. Together they reviewed how to be safe around a fire, they learned how to build a fire, and they made peppermint tea with freshly harvested mint from the garden. Read below to see what your children shared for safety guidelines, what they noticed about the fire, and what they thought about the tea:
“Don’t run around the fire.” – Brody
“Don’t be too close to the fire.” – Lily
“We can put kindling and paper in the fire, but we don’t throw other stuff into it.” – George
“The fire can make tea really easily.” – Octavia
“I notice I can warm my hands up by it.” – Juniper
“I notice that we can make teeaaa on it!” – Brody
“It’s minty mint tea!” – Fischer
“I’m done, that was really good!” – George
“The wood is kinda getting white and black.” – Arlo
Young Toddlers and Toddlers – September 3, 2024
Today during morning meeting we talked about how to properly wash our hands and why washing our hands is important.
“No germs!” – Simone
Children saw a demonstration on how to wash their hands and how to not waste water and paper towels.
Step 1: Get hands wet and turn off water
Step 2: Get one squirt of soap
Step 3: Rub your hands together until they are foamy
Step 4: Turn water back on and rinse soap off and turn water off
Step 5: Pull down on paper towels 1, 2 and rip. Throw your trash away
Levon smelled his hands after to show that that his hands smelled nice and clean! Then, we were all ready to play!
“All clean” – Talia
Young Toddlers and Toddlers Studio – September 4, 2024
During Morning Meeting children were introduced to watercolor tissue paper. Children loved watching the color bleed onto the watercolor paper as water was painted over the tissue paper. During Focused Explorations children were invited into the studio to use watercolor tissue paper to make a decoration for their portfolio drawer. Each child has a portfolio drawer where all of their work will be kept. Throughout the year teachers will go through children’s special work with them to decide which pieces will go into their portfolios so they can keep these pieces forever.
“Wet, wet, wet then it dry.” -Simone
“I love this color, it’s coming out see!” -Talia
Once dry, children were ready to peel off the tissue paper to reveal what was beneath.
“Look! All these colors! Let’s do some more.” -Levi
Preschool – September 7, 2024
“I can make silly faces. I have blue eyes. You have green eyes Paige.” -Owen
“I notice the pictures. I notice me. I see hearts when I see my face.” -Sophia
“I have ghosts on me. I have blue eyes. My hair is lellow. I like my face makes funny faces.” -Brody
Preschool – October 21, 2024
The Moosicorns nestled into their little home today, taking care of their babies and fending off danger.
After wrapping their babies in beautiful scarves; they read, cradled, and tended to them. The Moosicorns
managed to protect their home from a baby dragon, a house fire, and some large giggly cats.
“I’m a baby dragon!” -Sophia
“It’s down there under there! We’re just running away because there’s a dragon.” -Finn
“We’re princesses, fairies, and mermaids, so we’re not getting eaten.” -Jodie
“Can I get a baby?” -Bodhi
“Rooooar” -Sophia
“Meowwww” -Finn and Cruz
“We were trying to swat them because we are cats.” -Finn
“There is a fire in the house. I’m calling the fire man.” -Sofia
“It’s 1 5” -Jodie
“The doctor is coming!” -Sofia
“I’m making a house” -Kailyn
Pre-Kindergarten – September 18, 2024
Pre-Kindergarten children have been exploring the world of secret agents this week, after showing an
interest in spy missions. Each day, they have been invited to participate in a kindness mission within the classroom. Today’s mission was “Operation Helping Hand.” Children shared how they would accomplish their mission.
“If a friend falls down, I help them up.” -Everett
“If someone gets an ouchie, get them a bandaid!” -Arlo
Children spent Focused Explorations investigating letters in the mini studio and shapes at the light table.
“I did it! I made the letters!” -Xander
They were also invited to write “invisible” spy notes in white crayon, and then make the notes appear using watercolor paints.
“Oh, it’s showing up!” -George
“I can see it! I’m an artist.” -Octavia
“I found my line. I’m making a fluffy ball named Totoro with it.” -Simon
“I put the color on it, and it shows up!” -Lila
“I’m only using black, because that’s an agent color. How do you spell secret agent?” -Eli
After finishing their art, children played I Spy in the sensory bin.
“I found them all.” -Lily
Pre-Kindergarten – October 3, 2024
After focusing on farms and gardens this week, children were thrilled to visit the Teton Valley Campus of TSS. Even though the drive was long, it was worth it to see the chickens and the beautiful
“I didn’t know Danny could drive this far!” -Meadow
“We’re on Mt Vesuvius driving! It’s a volcano, but lava can’t get inside here, so we’re protected on the bus.” -Malone
“I came here last year and I like the flowers. There were a rainbow of colors!” -Arlo
“I saw a chicken in that bush!” -Lucinda
Children had the chance to work with an eighth grade partner to create works of art using flowers from the garden. As they explored the space, they picked their favorites and worked together to smash them with rubber mallets. When they pulled off the smashed flowers, the pigment left behind a stamp!
“Whoa, that’s actually a giant flower you smushed.” -Parke
“I like the baby flowers. They’re easier for me to pick.” -Simon
“I won’t smash your fingers.” -Octavia
“I picked lots of orange because I love orange.” -Lucinda
Pre-Kindergarten – October 30, 2024
The Rainbow Butterflies have been working hard this week to open a popsicle and ice cream shop in the dramatic play area. Children brainstormed names for the shop, eventually voting for a favorite. The class decided on “Rocket Candy Pants.”
“That’s so silly. I love it!” -Arlo
A sign committee worked together to create a plan for the shop’s sign, then every student had a chance to write one of the letters and help add the decorations.
“I’m drawing the sparkly popsicle.” -Lila
“That A letter is in my name too!” -Malone
Children created a list of other things that they would need to open the shop. They wanted menus, money, toppings, ice cream, and other fun treats.
“Stars to put in our coffee!” -Simon
“Rainbow edible sparkles.” -Octavia
They spent Focused Explorations creating menus and coloring and cutting the coffee stars. Then, they tried the shop out!
“Ice cream!” -Emma (when asked about the secret ingredient in her tea)
“I’m gonna call it cream-about-orange.” -Eli
Community Soup Event – October 3, 2024
What an incredible community soup event! There is nothing like coming together to share food, laugh together and spend time as a community. Children have been working so hard all week in preparation and Octavia summed it up well when she said, “Wow that was pretty fun and look everyone ate all of our soup. They must have really liked it, probably because we made it!” The Young Toddlers and Toddlers made delicious pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, Preschool made bread and helped chop all the potatoes, Pre-K made bread and made the potato leek soup and our Afterschool friends made gluten free pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and the beautiful signs. It was so hearth warming seeing so many families come together to share a meal together. There was lots of laughter and of course lots of munching and crunching.
While making soup Anara said, “This sure smells yummy! This is the perfect stone soup!” Jodie told us, “wow this sure is hard work but I can’t wait to eat it with my mom and dad!” It sure was worth it! Community is at the heart of who are early childhood program is and we look forward to more community events in the future!