Professional Development & Consulting

Place-Based Symposium

Where Place-based ideas come to life

Teton Science Schools’ annual Place-Based Symposium was originally designed to celebrate the place-based work happening across the organization, bringing together our faculty, staff, AmeriCorps, students, and regional community members to share and discuss best practices in local learning and global citizenship.

Since its establishment in 2015, the Place-Based Symposium has evolved into an annual event through which educators and thought leaders from around the world exchange place-based inspired ideas, learnings, and aspirations.


We have 2 Symposia Options for you to Engage in for 2024

We are excited to host the 2024 Place-based Education Symposium in person with a focus on Climate Change.

When & Where: Place-Based Education Symposium will be on Friday, April 26th from 4:00 – 8:00 pm @ Jackson Campus of Teton Science Schools.  Lodging is available for out of town guests.

Plans: Check out more information about the format for 2024 here. We plan to release the agenda by late March. 

The International Online Place-Based Education Symposium: Education for Gross National Happiness happened on March 22nd, 2024. We were thrilled with the event!

Missed the International Online Place-Based Education Symposium: Education for Gross National Happiness? 

Here is the link to find the recordings from the various sessions at the Symposium.

Consider presenting at the Symposium

Symposium Themes and Questions to Consider: The 2024 Symposium themes and associated questions can be addressed in any of the presentation formats. We encourage our presenters to consider: why does this matter? How could attendees learn from and replicate or adapt in the future?

  • Place-Based Educational Approaches to Climate Change
  • Supporting Social Emotional Learning and Student Mental Health in Climate Education

Check out our full Request for Presentation Proposals for details.

Proposals and Deadline: Proposals are due Friday, March 29, 2024, @ 5 pm MST. To submit, please fill out this Google form. No more than two proposals per person.

During the


Keynote Address and Discussion

A provocative speaker to engage the Symposium
themes and attendees, followed by the opportunity to discuss the keynote topic and
application in small groups

Student Project Showcase

An opportunity for students to share about a place-based
project that they have done. We encourage the showcase to include visuals and a
chance for interacting with Symposium attendees. The interactions will be informal, and
a chance to engage further about the topic and impact of the project. Check out
examples of place-based projects here to spark ideas.

Lightning-style Presentations

~4 minute presentations that challenge the presenters to condense their thoughts and ideas into a dynamic, engaging format. Presenters in this category will be asked to submit 12 slides prior to the symposium to be compiled into one seamless, pre-timed presentation in which each slide will be given 20 seconds of screen time. we’ll transition from presentation to presentation without pause, creating a collaborative, innovative picture of place-based education best practices.

Individual Presentations

Ten-minute individual presentations within concurrent
sessions, each focused around one of the symposium themes (see below). Time for
questions .


Voted on by attendees for the best student project, lightning-style, and
individual presentation.

Missed the Symposium?

Check out the 2023 Place-Based Education Symposium proceedings for ideas and inspiration.