Kevin’s Corner: Blissful Summer Days
If non-human animals can experience bliss, these early July days would be the time it is felt. Wildlife have recovered from their long migrations back to Jackson Hole, hibernators have replenished lost body weight, and many of the hooved animals that spent the winter resisting the cold and snow of our valley, …
Kevin’s Corner: Looking for Signs of Spring
This can be a challenging time psychologically for the people of Jackson Hole, especially residents who have moved here in recent years. We haven’t had much more than a couple dustings of snow in the past month. …
Kevin’s Corner: The Sights and Sounds of Late Summer
It is typical to get a rainstorm or a series of storms in August that bump us out of summer, and into that transition between summer and fall.
Those events occurred between August 18th and August 21st. …
Kevin’s Corner: For Everything, There is a Season
This is a time for paying attention to rebirth.
I have been noticing lone female Elk and Pronghorn quite a bit in the past week and a half. With both species being herd animals, …
Kevin’s Corner: Don’t Miss a Thing
As our days are getting longer and warmer at the end of March, the snow in the southern part of the valley around the town of Jackson, Wyoming has been melting fast.
When we have 43 degree and sunny days in the middle of March, …