Monitoring the Birds of the Tetons

It’s not every “New Englander” that is offered the opportunity to band birds in the Tetons for the summer, but so it was for me during the summer of 2012. I was finishing up my graduate work at the University of Maine and my lab mate, …

Two New TLC Workshops a Success

This fall the Teacher Learning Center offered two new workshops for the first time – Place-Based Teaching for Lower Elementary Teachers and the Wyoming Small Schools Conference. Both workshops were highly successful with small attendance of 8 and 9 teachers, …

Operation Purple Family Retreat

In March of 2010, Teton Science Schools had the pleasure of hosting its first Operation Purple Family Retreats, a program of the National Military Family Association. Designed to help families reconnect after experiencing the stresses surrounding a deployment, …

Graduate Program Begins 19th Year

The rough-legged hawk sits patiently on the fencepost. Elk move down from higher elevations as snow begins to fill the valley. Aspen leaves, half decomposed, rustle through the understory as cold winds usher in winter. …

The Impact of Our Mission

Twelve bright-eyed high school sophomores from Carson High School in South Central Los Angeles woke up on a November Monday morning in cabins on the Kelly campus of Teton Science Schools. By 8:30am they had eaten breakfast, …

Knowing Every Student

Every morning a group of faculty are at the front of school greeting, conversing and engaging each student and parent that arrives. Very few slip by without at least a hello or good morning. I often will check in on a recent sporting event, …