Tony Labbé runs The Bunnery with energy and enthusiasm. Sipping a 5-shot latte – only one shot caffeinated – he troubleshoots a technology hang up while simultaneously inspecting a pan of fresh pastries.
Tony brings that same enthusiasm and energy to The Bunnery Benefit fundraiser that generates thousands of dollars for Teton Science Schools and Journeys School annually. On Saturday, Nov. 5, the Labbé and Yvernault families have one again generously offered to donate the popular Jackson restaurant’s entire till for the day to our schools (not just the profits!).
The Bunnery’s menu includes tasty breakfast and lunch choices, pies, pastries, granola and hot drinks. Anything sold Nov. 5 that’s made in the Bunnery’s kitchen supports our schools.
In conjunction with the event, we’re raffling off the new faster, lighter, sweeter iPad2. Tickets are $20. They can be bought the day of the event or online prior to the event by going to We’ll draw the lucky winner at 3 p.m. Nov. 5. You need not be present to win.
New this year will be a mini golf course on the outdoor deck of The Bunnery. We invite kids young and old to play snow or shine. The cost is $5 for one game or $10 for three games, with all proceeds going to support Teton Science Schools and Journeys School.
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that Daniela Botur, Journeys School parent and owner of Aromaje jewels, will have a display of her beautiful pieces available for purchase at the Bunnery Benefit. Half the purchase price will be donated to Teton Science Schools and Journeys School.
Last year we raised $14,193 from the Bunnery Benefit. Our goal this year is $15,000. We hope to see children, parents, grandparents and friends (heck, you can even bring a random passerby off the street!) on Saturday, Nov. 5 for this great day of food and fun – all for a great cause!