Our Programs

Place-based Education Symposium

Teton Science Schools’ annual Place-Based Symposium was originally designed to celebrate the place-based work happening across the organization, bringing together our faculty, staff, AmeriCorps, students, and regional community members to share and discuss best practices in local learning and global citizenship.
Since its establishment in 2015, the Place-Based Symposium has evolved into an annual event through which educators and thought leaders from around the world exchange place-based inspired ideas, learnings, and aspirations.
Courses & Workshops at the TLC

The Teacher Learning Center (TLC) of Teton Science Schools is excited to offer online professional development opportunities for aspiring and current educators. All of our online courses are developed for educators by educators–whether you are a graduate student or a veteran teacher, our online courses are designed to meet you where you are in your place-based education journey.
Gain practical skills through our on-demand webinars, join us for a virtual or in-person workshop, or take a deeper dive into place-based education with our multi-week virtual courses!

As part of the Place Network, teachers and school leaders find the inspiration and solutions they need to break away from an outdated, test-heavy, one-size-fits-all system of education. Place Network helps teachers rebuild human connections and facilitate the kind of inspiring, authentic learning for which Teton Science Schools is famous.
Consulting & Curriculum

Teton Science Schools serves current and aspiring educators through a range of professional development opportunities. From an afternoon workshop to our year-long graduate program, our programs are designed to support the development of educators wherever they are in their place-based journey. Our programs are a combination of educational theory, practical applications, innovative leadership strategies, and mentorship.