Mike Rowell

Mike Rowell

Hometown: Buchanan, Georgia

Favorite animal in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Pine Marten

Mike grew up on a farm near Buchanan, Georgia where his family raised livestock, corn, soybeans, and pine timber. Recognizing the value and importance of the natural world at an early age, he developed a strong interest in natural resource conservation which led to a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Louisiana Tech University, and a Master of Science in Wildlife Science from Utah State University. In graduate school Mike performed research on mammalian carnivore communities where his study subjects were coyotes and striped skunks in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and then pine martens in Yellowstone National Park, his favorite wildlife species. Mike has worked as a professional wildlife biologist in the western U.S. since 1994. This includes three years as a part-time Guide for Wildlife Expeditions (2009 through 2011). He is excited to now have a full-time opportunity to share his passion for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.