Teton Science Schools (TSS) is pleased to announce the first year of our Graduate Student Fellows program 2019-2020 in collaboration with Antioch University New England (AUNE).
Fellows will grow, learn, and teach immersed in the TSS, PreK-12th grade independent school as a TSS-AUNE fellow while completing a masters in education (M.Ed.) with a concentration in place-based education. Through teaching and service, graduate fellows gain skills as place-based educators, educational leaders, and proficient place-based focused youth workers.
Successful students in our first-year residency in the TSS Graduate Program can apply for our TSS-AUNE Graduate Student Fellows program for their second-year experience. Second-year students can now earn their degree either through this hands-on experience or the current second-year classroom-based options at any of our partner universities. At the end of two years, graduates will earn an M.Ed. through one year of field-based teaching, one year of classroom-based teaching and the practical skills to bring place-based education to a breadth of learning environments.
The fellows for 2019-20 are current graduate students Katie O’Connell and Brooks Taylor! Through teaching and service, these fellows will gain skills as place-based educators, educational leaders, and proficient place-based focused youth workers.
Katie O’Connell
Brooks Taylor