During most of the history of current U.S. educational systems, learning has been divided up by subjects or domains that typically include: English/Language Arts, math, science, history, world languages, and electives. Place is inherently interdisciplinary and allowing place-based teaching to leverage the economy, ecology and culture of place allows for a more complete view of place, rather than from the perspective of an isolated discipline. Interdisciplinary approach authentically brings domains together in a way that more accurately mirrors the real world. This makes learning real, relevant, and exciting for students, and engages their brains in different ways. Teachers are able to capitalize on strengths in their knowledge, skill sets, and relationships to further student learning. Interdisciplinary approach leads to teaching and learning opportunities that are readily differentiated. Learning and mastery are focused on the process, and not just the product. An interdisciplinary environment engages and excites students with learning that offers new opportunities to practice skills sets, engage knowledge and build understanding.
Key Topics
- Plan and design a Community Impact Project to meet an authentic need.
- Read Poetry Matters! by Ralph Fletcher and practice writing poems in a variety of forms.
- Showcase your poetry in a collection, an audio recording, or a poetry reading event.
- Learn how to become media savvy and how to identify a credible source.
- Develop filming and editing techniques to create your own professional-quality videos.
- Develop writing skills that translate into any classes, tests, and presentations, formal or informal.
- Use the Place Triangle to do a Triple Bottom Line analysis in order to find a balanced solution to an issue or decision regarding their education.
- Build a Google Site to showcase learning in a variety of subject areas.
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