What was your driving question?
Grades Involved
What PBE principles were highlighted in this project?
Project Description
This project started when Javier was having a meeting with a new family and was telling them about things to do in the area. The new family had no idea there were so many things to do in Monmouth. They also did not speak English and know how to get this information about what there is to do in the area. So
Javier talked with his students if they wanted to do something about this problem, and all of his students were very engaged, especially because they wanted to help the new student and family learn about the area that they live in.
The students started thinking of ways they could share this information, and after lots of brainstorming, they decided a blog in Spanish would be the best option. While creating these blog
posts, the students developed their research skills by looking for places and activities to write about. This project was completely driven by the students in response to the families’ request for this resource. The class approached this project from an interdisciplinary approach, combining ELA, social studies, math, and technology into one project. They had to think critically about what they wanted to include in their blog, and were free to be creative with these posts! They ended up including not only activities within Monmouth, but also other nearby cities and facts about Monmouth. The blog can be found at https://unaaventuraenmonmouth.blogspot.com/