Ekphrastic Poetry

What was your driving question?

How can we create a piece of writing that connects to a piece of art?

Grades Involved

Grades 4 & 5

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?

We did 3 journeys – drafting, editing, and presenting – at the Museum of Wildlife Art in town. We also collaborated with the museum educator for these field trips.

What PBE principles were highlighted in this project?

Learner-Centered, Community as Classroom, Interdisciplinary Approach

Project Description

More (sustained) connection with the Museum of Wildlife Art. It was our first event of the year that parents were invited to – and 90% of students had at least one parent come! Parents raved about how impressed they were with the humor, beauty, and confidence of the poems and of the presenting students.


How did this positively impact the community? How was it shared?

More (sustained) connection with the Museum of Wildlife Art. It was our first event of the year that parents were invited to – and 90% of students had at least one parent come! Parents raved about how impressed they were with the humor, beauty, and confidence of the poems and of the presenting students.

Reflection: What was the biggest challenge? What was the most rewarding aspect of this project?

The museum changed its exhibits halfway through, so two students when went to present their final piece I (the teacher) just held up a printed copy of the piece against a blank wall. I did share with them that this would be the case before the big day and asked if they wanted to do one of their other poems but they decided they wanted to go with the non-present piece instead. The parents were so excited by the product and it was so good to have parent buy-in and family connections now that we’re opening back up COVID-wise.

Any advice for a teacher or student that is implementing a PBE project for the first time?

Often a museum has an education coordinator – utilize that resource! No need to reinvent the wheel or be an island – use your resources!