Engineering & Global Economy Project

Driving Question

How might we engineer and market a product that appeals to different economies around the world?
Grades Involved


What PBE Principles were highlighted in this project?

Local to Global, Design Thinking

Project Description

Students developed this project from an idea to explore what engineering looks like and wanting to connect our learning to the broader world in a local to global way. Using background knowledge skills (obtained from mini-lessons, guest speakers, and activities) from economics, marketing, and mini-design challenges, students ultimately were asked to engage design thinking to create a product that was marketed to a particular worldwide economy.

Throughout the process of the project, students used a project notebook to document their learning from notes in mini lessons, conversations with guest speakers, learning from different mini-design challenges, and field trips.

During the final open house event, members of the model UN (aka teachers) walked around during the open house to give feedback and grade the final products. Additional products included: a completed Engineering and Global Economy Project Notebook (complete with assignments, notes, and feedback connected to Mini-Design Challenges), and a one-page summary of the product to be shared with the global market.

 How did this positively impact community? How was it shared?

Students had the opportunity to meet with Pete Saunders, a marketing expert, and took an Engineering field trip to nearby Grand Teton Brewing.
Students presented their learning through a final community open house event where they presented their marketing plans and product prototypes. While their product prototypes and marketing plans were ultimately aimed at the global market, their learning was grounded in engineering, background knowledge, and mini lessons based on their own community.


The biggest challenge in this project was combining some Place-Network online learning with hands-on PBE work in our backyard. We wanted to have a balance and we think we achieved this balance within the context of the five-week project.
The most rewarding aspect of the project was seeing all of the work come together in a final product: our presentation day. From building detailed business plans to prototypes that would meet market demands around the globe, students had a lot to ponder in this project and they did a nice job of bringing it all together.

Words of Wisdom

“Time does not have to be a constraint in the learning environment. While we only had 5 weeks until the end of school, the time ended up being a really nice guide as we were able to backwards plan using a calendar and the students knew that they needed to manage their time well to achieve their learning goals within this project.” -Elle Shafer