WOLVES and BEAR Program Updates

Our upcoming WOLVES (Women Only Leadership, Volunteering, Exploration and Science) and BEAR (Boys Extreme Adventure Race) programs will be updating their travels around the Greater Yellowstone Ecosytem here. Stay tuned for more updates!

Scroll down to see BEARs entries.


Click here to see more WOLVES photos.


After a Saturday spent testing out their hiking shoes in Death Canyon, the B.E.A.R.s spent the evening exploring their personal leadership styles while trying to ford the “chocolate river” and playing “Masterpiece Theater.” These games, while seemingly unrelated to EXTREME ADVENTURE allowed the B.E.A.R.s a chance to practice communicating and learning how to work with one another before they are faced with greater real-life challenges on their backcountry trip.

Yesterday (Sunday) the B.E.A.R.s raced around the Jackson Hole Valley in two teams to the soundtrack of “Indiana Jones”. Each team was focused on earning points towards a winning ice cream sandwich as they completed tasks such as navigating using map and compass, completing a safe stream crossing, and bringing a pot of water to a boil on an MSR Whisperlite camp stove. To add more excitement to the day, teams decorated their team vans and were judged by an unbiased source on their artistic efforts. At the end of the race, both teams had added multiple new skills to their backcountry survival resources.

The B.E.A.R.s spent their evening exploring the idea of adventure and discussing why people are drawn to seek adventure to begin with. Three guest speakers from the Jackson Hole valley joined the B.E.A.R.s to share how seek adventure in their own lives and what inspires them to undertake new challenges in the outdoors. Doug Connelly, Program Supervisor and Course Leader from the National Outdoor Leadership School shared how he came to work in the outdoor education field, and led the B.E.A.R.s in discussion of how Risk can be managed in backcountry situations. Luke Walker, a local mountain climber and ski mountaineer shared his reasons for pushing himself to the edge. Luke expressed that he tries to seek out challenges he thinks he might be able to accomplish, and then enjoys the adventure of discovering whether or not he can meet that challenge. Brian Hager, a local science teacher shared how and why he chooses to spend his summers mountain climbing, fishing, and seeking out solitude in the mountains. The B.E.A.Rs had the opportunity to think about new adventures they would like to pursue, and to talk through how they could accomplish their goals.

This morning the B.E.A.R.s headed off with Kevin Taylor, Wildlife Biologist Extraordinaire to learn about surviving in the wilderness with minimal gear. The last I saw of the B.E.A.R.s today they were headed to gather any of their personal gear that might come in handy…so we’ll see how their day turns out!

7/31/12The W.O.L.V.E.S. and B.E.A.R.s are off! Both groups left Teton Science Schools this morning headed for adventure in the mountains. After an early wake up and a 6:30 breakfast, gear was checked and re-checked and packs were loaded into the vans.The B.E.A.R.s drove away with the theme song from Indiana Jones sounding through the open windows. Today their path will follow Crystal Creek and then Jag Creek as they head up into Jag Creek meadows at the base of Crystal Peak. The group is carrying roughly 30 pounds of food in addition to personal gear, tents, and stoves.

B.E.A.R.s are also carrying with them new skills from their survival session with Kevin Taylor yesterday. The boys learned how to make rope out of almost anything, how to start a one match fire with materials commonly found in a first aid kit, and how to build shelters out of just the materials one would have while hiking.

W.O.L.V.E.S. are headed into Idaho and up Teton Canyon today, where they will follow the canyon up to the base of the Sheep’s Steps. The girls are carrying similar gear to the boys, as well as roughly 20 pounds of food. W.O.L.V.E.S. spent yesterday climbing in Curtis Canyon with Jackson Hole Mountain Guides. The girls had the opportunity to try out their climbing skills outdoors and learn how belay each other as they took turns on the rock. As the groups departed campus they appeared confident and ready to experience what the backcountry has to offer. Groups will spend the next two nights in the backcountry, and are slated to return Thursday afternoon. Wishing them all safe & happy trails!

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