Treasure Hunt 2011: The 34th Annual Teton Science Schools Summer Fundraising Auction, August 20th
Save the Date! We hope you will all join us to support Teton Science Schools on Saturday, August 20th, from 2:00-5:00pm at the Jackson Campus for the 34th Annual Teton Science Schools’ Summer Fundraising Auction. …
Idaho Fire Ecology Outreach
This past week, Jackson Campus AmeriCorps led groups of 5th graders from Victor and Driggs Elementary Schools in a fire ecology outreach program. We wanted them to understand the basic dynamics of forest fires and to have a good experience learning outside. …
Putting the Fun in Fundraising
Spring is in the air, the snow at the Kelly Campus is now down to just a foot and the birds are singing incessantly! It is also the time of year we find ourselves gearing up for our Annual Kelly Campus Auction. …
Two Exciting Weeks in May for the Teacher Learning Center
May has already brought four exciting events for the Teacher Learning Center: a meeting with Wyoming Governor Matt Mead, a teacher workshop at the Murie Center, and outreach programs with 157 students at four schools in Teton Valley, …
New Wildlife Ecologist Joins Conservation Research Center
The Conservation Research Center announces an addition to its staff. Wildlife Ecologist, Michael Rowell, has joined the CRC to participate in the organization’s contract stewardship and research programs. With a Masters degree in Wildlife Science from Utah State University and a 20-year career engaging diverse ecological topics, …
Spring in Jackson Hole
These are exciting times indeed! There seems to be elk in every snowless area of Grand Teton Park right now. Imagine how wonderful that green, succulent, easily digested, vitamin and mineral-filled, lignin-less herbaceous vegetation must taste to the elk. …