Language of Materials Workshop: Exploring the Studio

In the Reggio Emilia philosophy, “The studio is not an isolated place where artistic things happen. It is a laboratory for thinking.” -Lella Gandini. Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, believed that young children have a hundred ways of speaking, listening, and being. Those languages should be encouraged and explored. When you invite a child to draw, the act of drawing creates a pathway for a child to express themselves more fully and more often than not a story or a dialogue accompanies their work.

Preschool Stories Night

Early childhood educators join us on November 8 to find inspiration and connection as presenters offer a glimpse into their spaces and share stories that illustrate place-based education.

In Mud: Nature-Based Early Childhood Education Webinar

Get inspired to work with children in our natural environments through watching this recording from the April 2020 In Mud program. Join keynote speaker Colleen Million and faculty from the Teton Science Schools to learn about and hear reflections on gardening with children in the context of nature-based and Reggio Emilia-inspired teaching and learning.