Language of Materials Workshop: Exploring the Studio

In the Reggio Emilia philosophy, “The studio is not an isolated place where artistic things happen. It is a laboratory for thinking.” -Lella Gandini. Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, believed that young children have a hundred ways of speaking, listening, and being. Those languages should be encouraged and explored. When you invite a child to draw, the act of drawing creates a pathway for a child to express themselves more fully and more often than not a story or a dialogue accompanies their work.
Introduction to Place-based Education: Asynchronous Virtual Course

In this seven-week asynchronous course, participants will explore the theory and application of Place-Based Education. They will gain practical skills and tools to get started with a place-based classroom experience. Participants will learn how to use the local community as their classroom, guide students to make a positive community impact, connect standards to place, and build learner-centered experiences.
Language of Materials Workshop: Clay
Language of Materials Workshop: Collage

Open your mind to new experiences through exploring the language of loose parts in an evening workshop.