Language of Materials Workshop: Exploring the Studio

In the Reggio Emilia philosophy, “The studio is not an isolated place where artistic things happen. It is a laboratory for thinking.” -Lella Gandini. Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of the Reggio Emilia philosophy, believed that young children have a hundred ways of speaking, listening, and being. Those languages should be encouraged and explored. When you invite a child to draw, the act of drawing creates a pathway for a child to express themselves more fully and more often than not a story or a dialogue accompanies their work.

Introduction to Place-based Education: Asynchronous Virtual Course

In this seven-week asynchronous course, participants will explore the theory and application of Place-Based Education. They will gain practical skills and tools to get started with a place-based classroom experience. Participants will learn how to use the local community as their classroom, guide students to make a positive community impact, connect standards to place, and build learner-centered experiences.

Introduction to Place-based Education

Curious to know more about place-based education? Join us for this 90-minute virtual workshop to learn why place-based pedagogy is worthwhile, how you might already be using it, and spark new ideas to increase student engagement and purpose.   

Hybrid Wilderness First Responder

The WFR is essential if you work or recreate in the outdoors / austere environments where access to medical care is unreliable. Designed for professional guides, trip leaders, search & rescue, outdoor enthusiasts, and international travelers.