Review, practice, and stay on top of your skills with NOLS Wilderness Medicine’s Wilderness First Responder Recertification Course. This scenario-based approach to recertification provides you the opportunity to test your skills against realistic situations. You’ll practice and relearn wilderness medicine protocols, review evacuation and decision-making guidelines, and receive the latest updates in wilderness medicine over the course of three days. You are required to complete both written and practical testing to recertify on this Recertification course. To achieve a passing score (70%) on the written multiple-choice exam, you must review previous course materials. Please come prepared. These online resources will assist you. Upon successful course completion, you will earn the following NOLS Wilderness Medicine certifications: Wilderness First Responder, Adult and Child CPR & Airway Management, and Epinephrine Auto-injector.
No lodging is available for these courses. Tuition includes lunch.
Tuition (with lunches): $440