The Teacher Learning Center is excited to be offering the Wyoming Stream Team Workshop for yet another summer! During the week of June 26-July 1, 2011 educators from across Wyoming and other neighboring watersheds will have the opportunity to join in this unique classroom and field-based course focused on providing a base of training in water quality monitoring as a compliment to middle and high school science curricula. Funded by a grant from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality, participants in the workshop will explore streams in the Snake River watershed and will receive water monitoring kits as well as other materials needed to initiate water monitoring projects in their home communities and connect their data to be part of the larger Wyoming Stream Team Monitoring Program. The Stream Team Program allows data collected by trained schools and other groups to be accessed and contributed to via an online database used in part by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality as a screening tool to detect threats to the health of streams in Wyoming.Please share this valuable workshop opportunity with any educators who might be interested in expanding student learning out into Wyoming’s local watersheds and getting their hands dirty with macroinvertebrate collection, stream substrates and pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen testing!