Mike Szydlowski: Science Teacher, Trip Coordinator, and Exemplary TSS Partner


Editor’s Note: It’s summer again, and we’re kicking the season off with three weeks of Field Education with students from the Columbia, Missouri Public School District. To celebrate, we’re re-running an interview we published last summer between Teton Science Schools’ Senior Director of Marketing and Communications Nick Delmolino and Mike Szydlowski, …

Educating for the Ideal Student in Bhutan


On the last day of our third place-based education workshop in Bhutan this past January, staff from the Royal Education Council were immersed in a flurry of sticky notes and passionate conversation. …

Putting Place at the Center

Place-Based Education (PBE) is at the core of Teton Science Schools’ programs and defines our approach to achieving our mission. TSS lies at the intersection of classroom education, field education, and educator development.