TSS Stories of Impact: Luke Dauner and Lily Anderson

Hiking in China with students

It is difficult to say where our lives would be had we not crossed paths with TSS. We would have not crossed paths with each other, for starters. But our time at TSS also affected us personally in many ways—cementing our love of the outdoors as a personal and professional classroom, …

18 Books to Inspire Your Development – as a Place-Based Education Teacher

In the realm of professional development for place-based education teachers, books are an important, but often overshadowed resource. Many of us tend to gravitate towards more engaging and interactive professional development opportunities like coaching, courses and hands-on teacher workshops. …

When Students Choose Their Own Path, Learning Follows


Ask a typical student “Why should you go to school?” and the reasons might look something like this:

To learn

To get good grades

To make friends

To play sports

To get into college

To get a job

Because I have to

For the more philosophical student, …

Bringing Community Together through Citizen Science

Teton Science Schools has long understood the value, impact and fun that comes along with participating in citizen and community science (CCS) — or in short, public participation in scientific research.  We do it with visiting school and teacher groups through programs like Nest Watch and Wyoming Stream Team, …

Connecting to Community & Place while Social Distancing


Whether you are practicing social distancing at home, caring for a loved one who is ill or trying to make sense of an uncertain and fast-evolving public health crisis, things have been feeling pretty heavy over the last couple of weeks. …