Connecting to Community & Place while Social Distancing


Whether you are practicing social distancing at home, caring for a loved one who is ill or trying to make sense of an uncertain and fast-evolving public health crisis, things have been feeling pretty heavy over the last couple of weeks. …

Preparing Educators for the Place-Based Education Classroom

private school jackson wyoming


Industrialized education is dead. Young people absorbing content absent of context creates factory workers for the Industrial Age, not leaders for the 21st century. In the beginning, Teton Science Schools operated in the informal education sector by creating opportunities for high school students to learn through “doing science” on public lands in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. …

Diving into Place-Based Education: Design Thinking

The world faces design hurdles every single day. Whether it’s our most prestigious scientists and politicians understanding how our global economies can curb climate change, our local civil engineers figuring out how to design a new development in town or even our own school administrators dealing with challenging pick-up and drop-off processes, …

In Place-Based Classrooms, How Students Learn Science is Never the Same


Imagine this scenario. You’re a new middle school student, excited to dive into biology class for the first time. You arrive to class on the first day and receive your text book–the same text book that has been used in your elementary school classes for the last three years. …

Diving into Place-Based Education: Local ↔ Global Learning

Imagine this. In a rural middle school in Idaho, eighth grade students are studying housing in their region and around the world. As they prepare to build a tiny house that will be auctioned off to raise awareness for their local housing crisis, …