Mike Szydlowski: Science Teacher, Trip Coordinator, and Exemplary TSS Partner


Editor’s Note: It’s summer again, and we’re kicking the season off with three weeks of Field Education with students from the Columbia, Missouri Public School District. To celebrate, we’re re-running an interview we published last summer between Teton Science Schools’ Senior Director of Marketing and Communications Nick Delmolino and Mike Szydlowski, …

Women in the Equality State

In 1869, Wyoming was a sparsely populated new territory. The Hayden Expedition had yet to explore what was to become Yellowstone National Park, and Jackson, while frequented by several Native American tribes, …

A Personal Phenology of Spring

Knowledge of place is inextricably linked to an awareness of the passing seasons and all the ecological and cultural events that mark the rhythm of a life connected to the world. Each winter in Jackson plods along with protracted steps. …

Spheres of Influence

When your passion leads you to views like this, it’s important to ask yourself, “Who isn’t here?” and “How can I share this with them?”

As a Field Education faculty member at Teton Science Schools, …

Fostering Pride for Place through Hands-to-Work

“Micro-trash is a MACRO problem,” proclaimed my co-instructor after we challenged our students to pick up two pieces of trash along the trail during our day hike. Since Field Education uses the outdoors as our classroom, …

Five Months until Totality!

Editor’s Note: On August 21st, 2017, the United States will experience its first total solar eclipse in 38 years. Jackson, WY happens to be in an ideal location to view the eclipse, …

A Week I Will Never Forget

Editor’s Note: As Wildlife Expeditions wraps up the 2017 season of running over-snow coach trips to Yellowstone National Park, we’re excited to share the reflections and photos of one participant. Check out the slideshow below for all of her photos, …

Service Means Community: An AmeriCorps Member’s Perspective

Editor’s Note: March 4 – 11, 2017 was AmeriCorps Week, a time to celebrate the individuals, programs, and organizations across the United States that serve our communities every day. In honor of the 80,000 Americans that are serving in 2017, …