In Place-Based Classrooms, How Students Learn Science is Never the Same


Imagine this scenario. You’re a new middle school student, excited to dive into biology class for the first time. You arrive to class on the first day and receive your text book–the same text book that has been used in your elementary school classes for the last three years. …

Diving into Place-Based Education: Local ↔ Global Learning

Imagine this. In a rural middle school in Idaho, eighth grade students are studying housing in their region and around the world. As they prepare to build a tiny house that will be auctioned off to raise awareness for their local housing crisis, …

A Play Space for Students, by Students


Imagine this: you’re a student in elementary school (K-5) and one day, your teachers tell you that starting today, you and your classmates are going to dive into the exploration of PLAY. …

A University Partnership Grounded in Place, Reflection and Technology

In 2015, Ohio University graduate and Wyoming resident Ralph Haberfeld had an epiphany that has connected two distinct, picturesque places: Athens, Ohio, in the Appalachian foothills, and Jackson Hole, bordering western Wyoming’s Teton Range.

Thanks to that epiphany, …