West Plains History Reader’s Theater

What was your driving question?

What makes our town special?

Grades Involved
Grades 5th & 6th

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?
This project is directly linked to several historical pieces of our town. …

Wetland Wonderings

What was your driving question?

What is a wetland and how do humans impact them?

Grades Involved
Grades 4 & 5 …

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?


What was your driving question?

Why do bees sting us and what do they do?

Grades Involved
Grades K & 1

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?
Students experienced many bees and wasp encounters at the beginning of the year. …

The Great Glenwood Food Truck Race

What was your driving question?

How can we develop a food truck that will attract local community members and do business well? …

Grades Involved
Grades 5th through 8th

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?

The Arena: Chicken Coop

What was your driving question?

How can we bring chickens to Glenwood and use the product to better our community? …

Grades Involved
Grades 7th & 8th

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?

Ekphrastic Poetry

What was your driving question?

How can we create a piece of writing that connects to a piece of art?

Grades Involved
Grades 4 & 5  …

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?

Maple Syrup – Advertising Angle

What was your driving question?

How can we create a label for Grandpa Henry that is more engaging?

Grades Involved
Grades 4 & 5 …

How did this project connect to your local or regional community?

Creating a Hollywood-Style Movie Trailer

What was your driving question?

How might students use technology, their bodies and the physical world around them (including the local community) to create a Hollywood-style trailer for a fictitious new movie?

Grades Involved
How did this project connect to your local or regional community? …

Yurt Project

What was your driving question?

What is the history and significance of the Yurt?

Grades Involved
5th through 8th
How did this project connect to your local or regional community?
Our class is moving into Yurt classrooms this year. …


What was your driving question?

I can recognize geometric ideas and relationships and apply them to other disciplines and to problems that arise in the classroom or in everyday life.(

Grades Involved
4th & 5th

What PBE principles were highlighted in this project? …